Every now and then I have to change speeds and really let you all know what I'm thinking. Now that the week that many people believed to be the greatest moment in America is over - I have a few things floating around in my head. By now, you all know that our President is a Black man. That's fine, and congratulations Barack Obama.
And before I start trying to philosophize my thoughts... I'm going to say that I do not know half of anything political, but what I do know is what I can see or hear with my own ignorant eyes and ears.
So, during this whole Presidential Race I have held a different view... or rather I was looking through a different lens. To those who know me, I may have come across as opposed, disinterested, or just didn't care. Now that the race is over I know what, and how to explain a little more of what I was thinking and feel.
First... the Black Community.
The Black Community is ecstatic about the new President. He looks just like them. Yeah... so. It was the ignorance that had me feeling disconnected with the rest of these fans. Time for Change. Yes, that was the slogan that Obama used during his campaign, but where did that really come from? If you ask me... you can interpret that in your own words or thoughts, but the way that I interpret that is simple. Bush has to leave. He can't do a 3rd term, so he HAS to go - by the rules. It's time for someone new. It's time for change. That's all that slogan means to me. A lot of people took that slogan and made it into a monumental personal desire of what they want to see happen with the United States of America, and thats fine. Black people took that and ran with it. People are expecting a utopia now, or at least something close. That's not going to happen. The USA is so messed up right now from what the last handful of Presidents have done. Each President has had to work at fixing what the prior guy did in office. Now I'd like to straight up say that Bush number 2 was just in there clueless and had his own agenda. In the meantime he messed up even more stuff than anyone before him. Now, the current President (Shout out to Obama) has to fix stuff that Bush, Clinton, and Bush number 1 messed up. This stuff wont be fixed in two terms. Hell, that stuff wont be fixed every probably... who knows?
So, we have all these people from the Black Community saying that a Change is here. They are right, a Change IS here, but what does that really mean? Does that mean that all the deadbeats on the block are going to be educated now, and be positive, integral parts of our society? Does that mean that all the hoes on the corners and in the alley ways are going to turn into housewives? What does this Change really mean? Well in my eyes I see this Change only affecting things that are so minuscule at first that we, the regular American people wont even notice them. Obama is not going to get your cousin Ray Ray who spent 15 years of his life locked up - a job. Obama is not going to help you get a loan for that house - with bad credit. My point is... Yes Obama is going to bring some Change, but as a person... you have to make your own personal changes instead of looking for a handout. He's going to Change some things, but you wont even notice most of them. It's not going to be what you're expecting. Reparations did not come in the form of a Black President.
Just one of the ignorant things I saw on the tube during the Election on Tuesday night was a reporter talking to a voter coming out of her polling place. He asked this Black woman what made this election so special to her. She spoke of the significant things that everyone else had been saying. "This is history in the making, and I want to be apart of it." She was so excited, even though she had just made the 8:00pm cutoff time at 7:42. The reporter asked her who did she vote for. She simply said... "Baracka." Baracka. Yeah... Baracka with an A at the end. After all of this time, she couldn't even say the man's name correct on National television. Stuff like that makes me think that we need to THANK whoever forced her to get off the couch at 7:30pm to go vote. (Thank you Friend!)
White America
Racism has been the driving factor for this place we call America for as long as people have been here. Now, the people you work with everyday are almost convinced that racism is over since we have a Black President. Really? 70 people voted for Obama, and 30 people voted for McCain. I'm willing to bet that there is a great number of people from that 30 who were saying, "Fuck yall niggers" while they were filling out their ballots. The other portion were Black people, and there is nothing wrong with them making that choice - that's the power of being able to vote. But my point is that racism has not gone anywhere. White people people have created a systematic form of racism that allows them to just sit back and watch Black people get electrocuted when they try to touch that fence. Just because white people voted for Obama obviously - does not mean that we have reached what Dr. King and Malcolm X, and Rosa Parks stood (or sat) for. In some aspects, sure. There would have never been a Black President in their times, so there IS something to be excited about. It's more exciting from a historical standpoint, than from a "How will the economy change" standpoint.
Wasn't it funny, and didn't it feel funny on Wednesday when all the White people you work with were hesitant to speak about the Election results? But once you brought it up they were ecstatic to talk about it. They didn't want to assume that just because you were Black - you voted for Obama. Every White person I know had a aura around them that said we're waiting to see how you're going to respond to this Black President. They were waiting to see if I packed watermelon in my lunch. They were waiting to see if I was going to start shucking and jiving, or soft shoeing around the office. That's just the lens that I was looking through. It could have been clouded, but I doubt it.
At the End of the Day
What this is going to mean is that all you dead beats have to get off your ass still. All you dead beat moms still have to get off your ass. Nothing is going to be handed to you since the President looks like you. Hell, he may look like you, but he is still mixed with half of the White man. So, who cares what he looks like? Why not focus on getting your shit together on your own, and not wait or expect a handout? Your job is still going to be the same old shitty experience each day. If there is going to be a significant Change coming, just sit back let it happen while you better yourself on your own. We are never going to get a mule to walk around 40 acres, so stop expecting it. If you want a mule go get one. If you want 40 acres, fix your damn credit and go get it. Me personally... I don't want a mule or 40 acres. Well, maybe 40 acres, but I'm content with knowing that the sun might come up tomorrow.
Keep Hip Hop Alive, One Bar at a Time.
Over and Out, DocBoone.